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Who Are We

Warren Records is comprised of Austin artists, creatives, and musicians who believe everyone has an essential voice that deserves to be heard. We want to elevate Austin creatives.

Warren Records is elevating underrepresented creatives whose voices often go unheard, unpromoted, and unprotected. Our mission is a response to the consolidation of the music industry and the increasing displacement of artists in Austin. We value artistic expression, transparency, and accountability. Ours is a mission to save endangered music, elevate marginalized artists, and nourish our community as a whole.

Artists face many barriers - external, internal, and systemic. Barriers especially exist for newer artists and artists in marginalized communities. Warren Records wants to help remove those barriers and funnel money, resources, and connections to artists in Austin, better ensuring their essential presence in our city for a long time to come. In the end, our work is a community preservation effort.

We are comprised of 7 founding members:

Rachael Boyle - Founding Member, Poet

Dawn Castro - Founding Member, Photographer

Cassandra DeFreitas - Founding Member, Writer/Actress/Musician

Catie Hinshaw - Founding Member, Artist/Musician

Leone Jacobs - Founding Member, Artist/Musician

Jamie McKenzie - Founding Member, Singer/Songwriter

Aly Rosa - Founding Member, Artist/Musician